Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dummy McStupidson

So staffing agency Plum Two* had set up an appointment/interview for tomorrow with a cosmetics company.  My rep was supposed to email me a Sample Resume so I could massage my current one to make it look more appropriate, as well as send me company info/website so I could research.  That was Friday.  Guess what I've not received? Mmmmyeahhhhh.  Today my rep calls me to ask if I can come in today instead to interview.  Fine, now I don't have to wake up at 6:30am tomorrow.  Buuuut  I have no idea about this company.  I don't know their website, their customer base, how long they've been in business, not even their NAME.

I'm trying desperately in my mind not to think of this woman at Plum Two as a complete imbecile.  It is not really working.

And really, my resume is decent, I already have the interview, why can't I just talk in the interview and explain how my time spent "cold calling businesses" is actually "outside sales?" Does the interviewer not know that "outside sales" IS "cold-calling?" Because if that is the case, then let me tell you something that person is an idiot and how the hell do they have a job and I don't? Maybe because they don't call people idiots?

Maybe the usual clients of Plum One are complete and total idiots and need personal coaching on how to get a job, how to write a resume, and how to research a company that you are interviewing for . Maybe I just need to suck it up and put on some big girl panties and deal with the fact that I am unemployed and have to put up with moronic imbeciles of iconic proportion.  

*name changed to protect the stupid

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