Saturday, July 21, 2012

oh no you di'int

Went down to SD this weekend for my bestie's bachelorette party.  This isn't her first rodeo in the wedding arena so she didn't really want to do the whole fake-veil/penis-straw/feather-boa route but rather a dignified dinner at a wine bar.  I obligingly did not purchase any traditional bachelorette accoutrements.

Well, multiple bottles of wine later, a latecomer to the party brought the very classy penis-wine-charms which instantly became earrings and nose-rings.  Never underestimate a woman in her 30s or 40s to revert to immaturity when wine is mixed with penii.

Anyway lets just say the evening ended with my tongue not working anymore (slurring much?) and the cabbie offering us a beer for the ride home.  Oh, and me texting Herman*...

Mmmmmyeah.  I had to clean that mess up the next morning! Luckily he seemed to get a chuckle out of the whole situation.  But really, not my finest hour nor my best "move" in trying to nab a man.  Drunk-text is soooo not attractive in the wooing, especially when one has already been rejected.

Finally, I will say that there are an inordinate amount of HOTTIES in San Diego! I think there was a perpetual piece of drool hanging out of my slack-jawed mouth all weekend! Surfers, cyclists, runners, OH MY! Hmmm maybe I should move my search for a BF down south?

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