Monday, July 2, 2012

50 Shades

So a friend loaned me Fifty Shades of Grey and now all I want to do is read.  This happens to me sometimes with books.  Recently I read The Hunger Games Trilogy and it only took me four days to read the three books.

Here's how it works.  I pick up a really good book. (which, to be fair, Fifty Shades isn't exactly a "really good book," but it sure is engaging) I start to read before bed one night.  I stay up wayyyyyy too late with my eyelids propped up ala A Clockwork Orange .

A Clockwork Orange

Finally the words won't come unjumbled on the page and I know I must sleep.  My dreams are dictated by whatever I am reading.  The next morning I drag my exhausted butt out of bed and somehow manage to do whatever I have for the day.  If I don't have anything planned, there is a good chance I may not get out of bed, but simply reach over to the nightstand and read until I'm so hungry that I have to get up and eat.  I will then read at any point in the day as is convenient for as long as the schedule will allow.  Repeat until book is done. Lament that book is finished. Find another book...

As of now, I'm still looking for solid income so I really can't be doing this! And certainly it can't be good for my social/dating life as this creates some really un-sexy bags under my eyes.  Seriously, if this keeps up, I'm going to look like a haggard troll.  Let me essplain.  No sleep, so I'm too tired to exercise or do yoga (and bags under eyes).  No working out, so I'm fat.  I'm fat, so I don't have energy to work out.  I don't work out so I don't sleep well, so I'm tired, so I have bags under my eyes!!! Ahhhhh!!! Keep me from this fate!

Anybody know a good book I could read? ...

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