Tuesday, October 9, 2012

B-List BFF

I worked a temporary job over the weekend stuffing envelopes.  A *VERY* awesome company Milk and Honey Shoes run by a sweet funny young woman who overwhelmed herself with a living social deal.  She needed a few extra hands on deck and we were paid accordingly... meaning, considering we were literally stuffing envelopes we were paid well for the type of work, but considering how much I usually make at a job it was pennies.  So, it was a few extra bucks over the weekend but not a career move. Although if there were free shoes involved... I might just have to reconsider.


Well, there was this one guy there that had the sense of desperation about him financially.  He needed to be paid daily rather than after the whole weekend so that he could eat over the weekend.  Now, I don't judge that because I have been there.  But this is the same guy that was all name-droppy with who he lives with and who his BFF is.  Roomie is a working actor on some TV show and BFF is at least B List having been on multiple shows as a series regular/lead.  Then he casually mentions all these other "famous" people that are his friends.  This confuses me... he apparently has written some TV scripts, but none of his famous friends can help him out? I mean, he was all, "me and bestie do this and that together" and "me and bestie are bestie's." Well, certainly "bestie" can at least get you a job interview/meeting, right?

People are so weird about the entertainment industry.  It is the most nepotistic industry that exists, and yet people don't want to ask their friends for help in getting a job! I mean, if you and I were both doctors and I needed a job, you'd get me an interview with your hospital, right??? Wouldn't you? Or if we were teachers and you found out that a local school district was hiring, you'd let me know, right???? Right??? Well, I'd do that for you.

Anyway, this guy keeps whipping out his phone on every break showing us some instagram pics of him and celeb-bestie, showing a pic of her drinking coffee and how he had to send her a pic of him drinking coffee so they could be having coffee together even though they were apart. (eye roll) Then, he made it a point of saying he had to make a phone call. Well, guess who doesn't answer? mmmyeah.  So then a little while later, he tries again.  Still no answer.

Listen, I'm reallyreallyreally important and I have reallyreallyreally important friends. 

Not to be undone, he points out that he stayed at her house last night so he could get to work easily in the morning because she is on this side of town.  "Oh, see we're besties, so I can stay at her house." Well, apparently this B-Lister doesn't mind that you are profoundly annoying. 

*SIGH* If only people would be as awesome as me...

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