Thursday, May 31, 2012

Online Dating Profile Names.

Can I just say a few things about online dating? I mean, honestly. There is some cray-cray shit out there.  And I wish I could say I was making some of this up. But this is just real life people.

Let's discuss profile names, shall we?

"handsomeforever" - you're really not that good looking.  I mean, you're not unattractive, you're just not hot enough for that title.  Let me expound on that.  Even if you were the hottest man on that site, its still a douche-y handle.  Think highly of ourselves, do we?

"swolenbanana" - dude, you're 39 years old.  although you could be lying, maybe you just haven't aged well.  and according to your profile, you "don't have patience for reading."  duh.  no wonder you're single, dude.

"69Tony4U" - so either your prowess at 69 (in your mind) is so amazing you think that would be 4 me, or you're secretly gay and you'll 69 Tony for me so I don't have to.  oh, and you're 41, making a "duck-lips-fish-face" in your profile picture, and list masturbation as one of the six things you can't live without.  good luck gettin' laid, buddy.  no wonder it says no one has contacted you this week.

I feel like my profile is ok, not the greatest, but I mean, C'MON.  Maybe I should change my profile name to "noentryfordouchebags," "oldandfatneednotapply," or something like "myeggsaredying," "bioclockticks," or "has2catsbutnotcrazy." No?

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