Monday, May 28, 2012


Didn't get out of bed until 10AM.  Took a two hour nap in the afternoon.  Guess I was tired out from all that time with mom.  She was here for 8 days. That is a loooong time to spend with one's parent as an adult.

Not to sound ungrateful! I mean, I could not have found a car so quickly without her help.  And frankly, I would probably not have taken even one step towards finding a job yet either.  The leftover home cooked meal in my freezer isn't such a bad deal. As much as I'm glad to have my time and personal space back, I'm having a hard time getting motivated without the whip-cracker.  Time to put on my big-girl panties and make something happen! Oooooh look! A sparkly thing!

My roommate has insisted that now that mom is gone I join the world of online dating.  Well if that isn't just the perfect distraction from trying to find a job.  I'll spend hours making a profile, answering stupid questions, and searching the man-candy shop for a date.  This could be almost as fun as finding a needle in a haystack or stabbing myself in the eye! But hey, its not job hunting or trying on bathing suits in harsh fluorescent lighting so lets give this a go.

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