Sunday, December 9, 2012

bragging rights

Can I just say that I LOVE being in "the industry" this time of year? Free movies galore! Oooh-la-la!

You fancy, huh?

Here are some highlights:
- screening of the tv show Revenge followed by a Q&A with the cast (I heart Madeline Stowe!!)
- screening of the movie The Sessions followed by a Q&A with John Hawkes and Annika Marks. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie.  Helen Hunt and John Hawkes give award-worthy performances.  Like whoa. (Plus Helen Hunt gets all nakies and she is hottt for 49 years old.  She's hot for 29. Damn. I only hope I can look that good someday...)
- screening of the movie Argo followed by Q&A with Bryan Cranston (who you might know from Malcolm in the Middle or Breaking Bad ).  He just seems like the nicest guy you'd ever meet, like the guy you'd always want to have at your dinner party because he is so smart, humble, funny and could even hold a conversation with your persnickety old Aunt Myrtle.

- and my piece de resistance, where I literally almost had two friends stop speaking to me because I did not invite them as my plus one... Les Misérables followed by a Q&A with the director Tom Hooper and the actor that played Marius Eddie Redmayne. I die! I die!!!!!! I could just go on and on about how AMAZEBALLS this movie is.  Just you wait it will clean up at all of the award shows.  So good! (Remember to bring a kleenex.  Or three.)

Don't hate

On a side note, the idiot moderator kept referring to Eddie as the "breakout star" of the movie.  Uhmmm he's already won a Tony and been nominated for an Emmy. Not to mention he's also won a Critic's Circle award and way back in 2004 won something called the Evening Standard Outstanding Newcomer Award. *eyeroll*

Here's what I love about Q&A's.  You get to "meet" some of your idols and see what they are like in "real life." Here's what I dis-like/hate about them.  The moderators are (almost always) idiots and say really stupid stuff either fluffing the ego/embarrassing the person being interviewed or ask some equally stupid question nobody in the audience gives a shit about.  And there's always at least one person in the audience who doesn't really have a question to ask, but just likes the sound of their own voice and so they just blather on with nondescript compliments "that was really great" or "you were awesome" until they finally come up with something to ask or the moderator finally cuts in with "did you have a question?"  Or, their dad/mom/auntie/great-grandpa/friend-from-elementary-school was famous once and they want to tell everyone in the audience. Either way, completely annoying.

*side-side-note I did not get the weemen's gym job.  She said she would call me to let me know; she did not. I called and left a message to follow up and got no reply.  Meh.  Whatevs. 

1 comment:

  1. wait... you did NOT mention Eddie would be there!!! now i'm mad that i actually didn't stop speaking to you... ;)
