Tuesday, November 6, 2012

rude boy

no, that's not an insult, that's his username.  "rudeboy" emailed me the other day on the dating site.  With that username, you know I had to check him out.  Who on earth would advertise their rudeness? For starters, someone who is 33 years old, lives in suburbia, is really good at "grilling, drinking, being whitty [sic], slappy ass banter, stirring up some humor, posting and roasting" and the first thing people notice about him are his "top notch social skills." One of the six things he could never do without is "herbs" and he spends a lot of time thinking about "blazing a fire."  Something tells me this guy might be a total pothead.  And by "might be a total pothead" I mean "definitely is a total pothead." He sounds like a real winner.  And by "winner" I mean "loser."  Here's a picture he used to advertise himself.

Its funny because he's pretending to drink the beer in the poster.  Ha...
To his credit (possibly the only one) he states, "My sister is gay and if you think she is going to hell then you can fuck your face." So he's not a complete ass/is not homophobic.

My curiosity got the best of me and I emailed him back asking about his username.  I just couldn't believe that someone would actually A) be cognizant that they are a rude person and B) promote that feature of themselves as a username.  It turns out that Rudeboy is one of the many names that Rastas call each other.  He apparently has been "into the movement" since he was a teenager and assured me he is not actually rude.  Mmmyeahh.... someone's gotta tell this guy that 99.99999% of the women on this site are not going to know that particular Rastafarian term of endearment and are just going to ignore you because they think you're rude.  Or they will look at your profile and realize you're a suburban wastoid pothead who wishes he were cooler than he actually is and still ignore you.

*feeling the slightest bit guilty about the name-calling, but he started it.  :-p

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