Friday, November 16, 2012

fingers crossed

So I only have two days left at this horrible job, and of course, today of all days, I actually make some decent money on my shift.  Granted, I'm not exactly bringing home name-brand bacon , it is more like government ration pork rinds, but it is at least (almost) worthy of the time I put in.

bringing home the bacon
Have I made a mistake in quitting? Have I finally just now gotten the hang of this damn job? Maybe I should rescind my resignation?

...OK, let's not be too hasty.

(I don't know what this is, but I love it.)
Let's see how the next couple of days go and then make our final decision.

NO, Regis, it is NOT my final answer.  Jeez. 
If I make a decent amount of money again even one time in the next two days, I will consider staying on.  My trainer wants me to stay, my boss wants me to stay, but I cannot put in more time without being compensated.  Especially when the circumstances around the job are not what they were advertised to be. Crossing fingers (and toes) that this could actually work out.  I really really really don't want to have to look for a job again....

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