Sunday, January 25, 2015

Someday my prince will come

And it better be soon because Snow White is getting a little long in the tooth.
this just makes me giggle

You might remember how this princess was being courted by a beau who flew her hither and yon and made her have butterflies in her belly. Things were going swimmingly until he decided not to talk to me for over a week because he is "really stressed" and "work is crazy" and "it's not that I didn't want to talk to you"... mmhmm.

I realize people have things that are important to them. Perhaps even more important than my insightful insights, smartypants words of wisdom, loving lovely-ness, and hilarious humor. As for Todd, I am not naive enough to think I would always be his first priority. But you would think I would at least make the top five.

Top Five Priorities:
1. work
2. eat
3. sleep
4. facebook
5. girlfriend

Cowardly Todd* couldn't face the munchkins, er, uh, music
He neglected to tell me he had rearranged his list to look something like this:
1. work
2. other stuff
1,000,000,000,000. girlfriend

mmmhmmm. that ain't gonna cut it.

So my tale will remain unfinished with yet another plot twist of moderate proportions. I am officially Tindering my resignation... *winkyface*

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