Tuesday, October 16, 2012

humidity. top ramen. ex-boyfriend.

So many things to post about! Ok, so... first, my stripper class groupon is over.  I can't say that I'm really sad about that.  It was what it was for a month, but if I'm going to be a stripper who keeps her clothes on I don't want to be taught by Charlie Brown's hyena.  I'm back to my yoga, although I have another groupon for Core Power Yoga which is like regular yoga but on heated, humidified, sweat induced steroids.  After class I have to dry out my clothes for a day before I can put them in the hamper.

I get even sweatier than this. It is awesome. 

Next, I am trying another commission only job.  I will be hocking made-for-tv products live, in-store as though I were an interactive infomercial.  It "only" requires memorizing a 7-8 page script.  At least this one has a three-week guarantee.  Granted, the guarantee amount will buy my car about a half-sip of gas and me a cup-o-noodles/top ramen, but it is at least something while I get trained.  Oh yeah! They actually train you.  As opposed to certain life-saving-button companies that basically say "go get'em tiger!" and leave you to your own wits.  Orientation is tomorrow, so we shall see how that goes... wish me luck.

And finally, I may or may not have texted my ex* and told him I was thinking about him... I am SO WEAK!! He replied, but not in the way that I would have liked. Like, he replied basically saying thanks for sending the text letting him know I was thinking about him, but not necessarily that he had been thinking about me too, or that he was now thinking of me, or that he wanted anything to do with me ever again.  Of course, I made silly banter that he would have to reply to ... but ultimately he did not continue the conversation.  GAHHHH!!!! Why do I do this to myself? Maybe because I have people like this emailing me for a date and people like this to contend with on the man-candy site and I choose to remember a utopian relationship that surely ended for reasons which are now different because he is a completely changed man.

Remember the time when we were this amazing? 
Time to put on my BGP and move on.

*not the most recent ex... the one before who broke my heart.  repeatedly.  

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